One Year On - 2023

On 30th March 2023 we came together to celebrate Harting Climate Action’s first year. About 90 of us gathered in the village hall to share our successes and discuss plans for the coming year.

There was something really satisfying about gathering the information on everything we have done in our first year. We so often move from one thing to the next without taking time to take stock. We surprised ourselves about how much we have achieved.

Update from Earth Matters

Since we formed last year the Earth Matters group have promoted and encouraged everyone to take part in No Mow May, giving space for nature. We promoted the benefits of improving our soil and encouraged everyone to take away free compost from the church.

We have been busy planting trees. 500 have been planted in the Henry Warren Hall and the Memorial Playing Fields, we have provided hedging for the Coronation Garden at Harting Primary School and a further 500 trees have been distributed to dozen gardens.

Our big campaign is Operation Nest Box, where nestboxes and nesting cups have been made for swifts, swallows and house martins.  So far:

•            43 swift boxes have been made

•            22 house martin cups

•            3 swallow cups  

Over 50 households requested these, but sadly not all are suitable. In addition to making these we now have a record where these birds currently nest, so over the coming years we can see the success of this project.


What we learnt?

There are a lot of talented passionate people in our community who have a desire to get things DONE. Many of us had no idea that swifts were on the endangered species list – and I suspect others were the same. Through learning about these wonderful birds, we have also learnt what they need to eat – which ties into No Mow May and the need to reduce or cut out completely the use of pesticides. We are also learning about the soil and how we can improve it – doing it naturally.

We have also learnt that by talking great ideas emerge. It also shows what talent we have in our community.

What next?

•   There are further nest boxes that will be made over the coming months and installed in time for their arrival next spring.

•   We will be organizing a walk and talk about these birds, which will be followed by a Swift Pint in the pub.

•    We will be monitoring the next boxes – but we don’t expect them to be occupied for a number of years.

•    We hope to give a talk to the pupils at Harting Primary School about these beautiful birds.

•    We will be encouraging the saving of rainwater and use in our gardens through learning about which plants will survive the changing climate and by promoting the use of water butts.

•     Encourage more people to get involved in No Mow May and also reduce our use of pesticides


Update from Share, Reuse, Recycle

There have now been 11 Repair Cafes and 300 items have been repaired and saved from landfill. Advice has been given on many other items and the repair team are teaching on how to make and mend rather than buy new. We know how many items have been repaired but we have no idea how many cups of tea, coffee or slices of home-made cake have been served.

Out of the Repair Café Stitch & Enrich has emerged. The monthly gathering in the Thursday Café is the chance for creatives to come together but also the place to learn how to darn and mend, whilst meeting like-minded people.

Recycling points for plastic milk bottle tops have been set up and Produce in the Porch is the perfect place to share excesses, for anyone to take away for free.

 What have we learnt?

•    We have so many talented people in our community that enjoy making & mending – and are happy to share their skills.

•    There is a thirst to learn how repair and darn our clothes – it saves money by making them last longer.

•    That we can mend not throw away and buy new – for many our mind sets have changed.

•     That our community is very generous – funds raised from Repair Café donations have secured the RC for the next 12 month, have funded this and other events like attending fairs etc and provided the seed funding to get Operation Nest Box off the ground.

What next?

•    Community recycling point for toothbrushes, toothpaste tubes, biros & felt tip pens, & flexible plastics

•     School uniform project

•     Toy swap



Although there is no particular group driving this – could you drive this (excuse the pun!)


Learning & Community

We take every opportunity to share our message and give ideas on what can be done.

•      We have supported the Harting Horticultural Society to become plastic free at their shows.

•      We network with other CAN’s – Hambledon, ERA, Friends of Rother Valley Way, Petersfield & Alton CAN

•       We host events – Big Green Week, Green Fair, Your Home, Your Energy – Our Future event in the church

•       We use the Repair Café as a space where energy advice can be given or experts asked for their help.

 What next?

This is what today is about – will you support any of these initiatives? Is there something you are keen to start?


Energy Group Update  

Throughout our first year the energy group’s aim was to help people understand how to improve the energy efficiency of their home and save money. We want to work together to make best use of resources and support available and also understand the barriers to action.

We undertook an energy survey of our community. 29 Households took part of which 24% use solar PV or thermal and 10% use air or ground source heat pump. Every year, each household uses an average of 1,458 litres of heating oil, 6,506 kWh electricity* which means that on average the annual household electricity us is nearly twice the national average. Also, parish houses emit the equivalent of nearly 2,500 tonnes of CO2 annually.

 What we have done

•       We have been showing how we can all reduce our demand for fossil fuels.

•        We ran an event in June last year - Your home, Your energy, Your future

•        We have trained up energy volunteers

•         We use the Repair Café for energy advice

•         A leaflet “Winter is Coming” was created and distributed to the whole parish

•         A series of case studies have been created about how people in our community have adopted low carbon technologies

•        We are researching microgeneration, decarbonising ‘public’ buildings, the school, village hall, churches and the shop.

•         We are working on a community energy project in partnership with Energise South Downs

  What next

•     We plan to run a Future Energy Landscape workshop in June – this has been designed by the Centre for Sustainable Energy’s and is a participatory exercise to explore real energy trade-offs in the context of our village. 

•      We will continue to attend the Repair Café to give energy advice and signpost people to possible grants, show different materials etc.

•       We will continue to see how we can decarbonize our ‘public’ buildings, (the school, village hall, churches and the shop).

•       Continue developing the community energy project in partnership with Energise South Downs

 As you can see we have achieved a huge amount in our first year. Would you like to find out more of have you got some time you could devote to one of these projects? Please get in touch







Future Energy Landscape: Let’s talk about renewables


Operation Nestbox