Community Energy

Harting CAN are proud founding partners of Energise South Downs a co-operative powering the energy transition in the South Downs and surrounding area.

What it is Community Energy?

Community energy schemes are a way of getting renewable energy projects built at scale within your local area. The local community invest as shareholders in the project and then benefit from the income generated.

What we are doing:

  • Working with local landowners to identify parcels of land that might be feasible for a renewable energy project, probably solar.

  • Engaging the community in an informed conversation about how renewable energy technologies could meet the energy needs of the Parish. We have hosted the Future Energy Landscape workshop twice in 2023. The full report of our June workshop is here.

  • Advocating with the South Downs National Park Authority to consider renewable energy projects in the park.

  • Supporting advocacy group Power for People in their Local Electricity Bill campaign that would allow communities that generate their own energy to sell it to their community.