Monthly Repair Cafe

Once a month (well 10 times a year to be exact) we hold a Repair Café. As the name implies it is a café where teas, coffees and home-made cakes are served. It is also the place where anyone can bring items to be looked at and hopefully repaired

On a monthly basis a group of fixers/tinkerers/repairers/sewers/menders come together and in comes everything from a broken purple parasol, a toaster, a jumper with moth holes in it, a lopsided chair, something needing special glue, children’s clothes with rips, gardening equipment which needs sharpening….

There are people who come frequently to just have a chat with other people whilst something is being fixed.

And that is an essential part of what we are about.

You can be told that your broken toaster is unfixable - but at least you know that you can take it to the dump with a clear conscience.

On the other hand, you can have your broken chair glued back together and take it home to use and enjoy it.

There are collars turned, and quite a lot of electrical appliances that just need a new fuse in the plug - but that makes them work.

The fixers chat about what they have been fixing in between times, the sewers patiently repair what was thought to be unrepairable.

Volunteers bring homemade cakes, make tea and coffee, take donations, log in the items to be fixed, sort out who is going to fix what, make sure we have a total of what has been repaired, fixed, and saved.

It’s busy, chatty and friendly. It helps us think before we chuck.

Harting Repair Cafe is a project which started with fingers crossed and a few volunteers. There are Repair Cafes all over the place, we are certainly not the first. But there is something special every month about what our fingers-crossed achieved.

If you have something you need fixed come and experience our Repair Café first hand.

Harting Repair Café takes place on the third Saturday of the month (except for August & December), 10.00 – 12.30pm at The Harting Club, Church Lane, South Harting GU31 5QG

There is no fixed charge for repairs - we just ask for donations, so that we can keep the Repair Cafe going and any surplus gets reinvested in our village activities.


Operation Nestbox