Two years on: Wild About Here launch

Celebrating our birthday – Two years On March 2024


On 15th March about 70 of us gathered in Harting Community Hall to celebrate two years since the launch of Harting Climate Action Network (CAN).

 It felt like a real celebration – with an inspiring talk from swift expert and adviser to Harting CAN, Paul Stevens, a summary of the achievements so far plus the launch of Wild About Here and the great wild flower seed giveaway.

 Everyone who attended was asked to complete a card asking what they cared most about, what they’d like to see happen and what they might be able to offer. Harting CAN is only limited in what it can achieve by the number of people involved. The more people involved, the more it can achieve and the greater the difference we can all make!

 The evening was introduced by Sarah Green who gave a summary of the achievements so far. We were reminded that Harting CAN is currently made up of 5 working groups, which was what was agreed at our first meeting in March 2022.

 Here are the summaries from each group and an update on what we have been working on for the last year…..


The main focus of the Energy Group has been training and delivering the Future Energy Landscape workshop.

In June we were the first community to host this workshop designed by Center for Sustainable energy. It was a fascinating session where the different renewable energies were explained and how effective they could be in our community – so what is feasible but also what we might find acceptable in our local landscape. Over 60 people attended including the SDNPA senior planner and Chichester District Council Climate Change officer. As a consequence, East Hampshire council and the park are now funding the workshop to be taken on a road show 

 Powering Down

 Beyond the workshop the energy group have continued to look at how we reduce our demand for energy and how we might generate our own energy locally. The Repair Café has been used to show samples and tricks on how to be more energy efficient.  Through their contacts and research they have found grants which are available which they have been directing people to.

 And Powering Up….

 The Energy Group has formed a close partnership with Energise South Downs, who are looking into community owned renewable energy projects. 

Our own Mark Gatterel spoke at an event in Petersfield which attracted over 250 people. He spoke about the critical need for post construction performance testing on new builds so that buildings actually perform as they say they will on paper. 

Katherine attended a reception, along with 100s of community energy groups, at the Houses of Parliament to debate the barriers to embracing community energy as key part of transition to net zero. 

It was mentioned how great it is to see rooftop solar panels popping up all over the Parish and special mention was given to the shop with their new solar set up.

Power for People cards were handed out and everyone who hasn’t done so already was asked to fill one in. Power for People is a not-for-profit organisation, campaigning for the UK to rapidly transition to 100% clean energy and for this to benefit local communities.

 Earth Matters

 Operation Nestbox

The big project for the Earth Matters group last year was Operation Nestbox – the research, making and installation of nest boxes for swallows, swifts and house martins.

Once publicised, the response was amazing. Over 60 households requested nest boxes for endangered birds. Once house surveys were undertaken only 32 were suitable and we now have 53 swift boxes, 21 multi cupped house martin & 5 swallow nest boxes installed.

This means that we have created homes for over 60 swift families, 42 house martins & 3 swallows.

Special thanks were expressed to our teams of researchers, makers, painters and installers for all their commitment and dedication in getting these homes made and installed in time for the spring migration.

 Wild About Here

 To bring joy to our community Wild About Here was launched where three mini wildflower meadows have been created and managed by local community groups. They can be found in East, South and West Harting. Nyewood is ahead with the planting of a wildflower meadow at the Henry Warren Hall.

 They can be found around the phone in East Harting, box opposite the Congregational Church in South Harting, and at the top of Putmans Lane in West Harting.

 We are hugely grateful to Alitex for the donation of wildflower seeds, which has meant that everyone in our community who wants wildflower seeds can have them – for free! More seeds will be available in the autumn for sowing.

Share Reduce Recycle

The Repair Cafe

The Repair Café is a firm fixture in the monthly calendar. By February 2024 over 500 items had been repaired.

It takes about 15 volunteers a month to run the Repair Café and by February 2024 over 1100 volunteering hours have been given, over 1000 cups of tea & coffee & over 50 cakes or trays of flapjacks have been baked.

Once again, we would like to thank Harting Parish News for the seed funding so that we were able to get our Repair Café off the ground. Harting CAN/The Repair Café is delighted that £500 of the donation has been returned so that the Parish News can support another cause in our community.

The Repair Café takes place on the third Saturday of the month, and is monthly apart from August and December, when there is no Repair Café.

Stitch & Enrich

Another firm fixture in the monthly calendar is Stitch & Enrich which takes place in the Thursday Café in the Law Room. On the first Thursday of the month people gather to learn to darn, bring their projects or just come to marvel at each other’s handy work. It’s a great place to learn new skills or just to take time out to do that mending you’d always meant to do.

Produce in the Porch

One of the original sparks of an idea that came out of our first meeting in 2022 was Produce in the Porch – the chance to share the glut of fruit and veg that is produce in our community in the growing months.

The Question was posed - What else could we share? Should we set up a community share? How would this work? Ideas please.


This is the most dormant of all the groups at the moment. Sarah reminded us that vehicles are one of the biggest pollutants in our community. What can we do to change this?

Harting CAN is working with Harting Mini Bus to see if there are ways we can encourage greater use of the minibus. If it’s not used, we will lose it.



Harting Can endeavours to keep its cost to a minimum and repurposes wherever they can.

They are hugely grateful for the financial support from Harting Parish News & Harting Parish Council, the Parish News for the seed funding to get the Repair Café off the ground, the Parish Council for their donation to help fund Operation Nest Box. Alitex have also become key supporters for their support in the purchase of the wildflower seeds so that anyone in our parish can have a pack of wildflower seeds for free.

 Thank you for another wonderful year of community climate action.








Help Swallows, Swifts and House Martins


MP answers questions about climate crisis